Spirit Animal Black Redstart: On the right PATH
The black redstart flies into your life and brings with it clarity, cheerfulness and the gift of intuition. When life once again flushes in doubts, then pause. Pause to feel. Touch the doubt…
Spirt Animal Penguin: Lean on LIFE
The penguin waddles into your life, bringing you support, togetherness and tenderness. Lean on. Lean on the back of the penguin. Back to back it supports you in times when the doubts become…
Spirit Animal Tiger – Living in INTERBEING
The tiger walks into your life, bringing you strength, affection and love. You radiate clarity. You rest in your center. Your life has become simple. This simplicity brings calm. Enjoy it. Tackle things.…
Spirit Animal Dragonfly: PERMISSION to change directions
The dragonfly flies into your life, bringing you courage, love and confidence. Take your next steps slowly, mindfully and consciously. Your life is about to realign. Go with it. Let go of the…
Spirit Animal Turtle: WAIT and see what life brings
The turtle strolls into your life, bringing you slowness, refuge and joy. Today is a good day. Slowness permeates your life. Step by step you do what is really on the menu. So…