Spirit Animal Hedgehog: The power in STILLNESS
The hedgehog comes into your life, bringing you self-confidence, safety and calmness.
It is time to shed the old defense mechanisms. They have served you long enough. Within you lies a power that wants to surface. Give yourself to it. Pause and wait. Life will guide you.
Right now, there is nothing that actively needs to be done. What you try to find, will come to you. Pause. There is nothing else to do. Your intuition leads you. Trust. Trust in life. It stands by you. Everything comes at the right moment.
This way, clarity will come into your life. A clarity for your visions and for your dreams that are pointing the way for you. You will understand when it is time to realize these visions.
Become still,
trust in life, and
peace will set in.
is with you.